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For children who are 4-5 years old.

5 Mornings: Monday - Thursday 8:30-1:30, Friday 8:30-11:30

4 Mornings: Monday - Thursday 8:30-1:30

Our Early Childhood teachers design the curriculum with intent, based on their knowledge of children and how they learn. They observe and reflect the children in the classroom to encourage participation and provide the best learning for each child.


Today, with the emphasis on standardized testing, the importance of content areas has increased. We teach content while respecting the developmental stages of each child.  Our PreK program is play-based and child-centered but includes more content in each of the areas, including: 

  • Literacy – vocabulary and language, phonemic awareness, letters, words, print, comprehension, books, and other texts.

  • Mathematics – numbers, patterns and relationships, geometry and spatial awareness, measurement, and data collection, organization, and representation.

  • Science – the physical properties of objects, living things, and the earth and the environment.

  • Social Studies – how people live, work, get along with others, shape and are shaped by their surroundings

  • Arts - music, dramatic play, drawing and painting

  • Social and Emotional – positive feelings of self and self-reliance, communication and problem solving tools, developing friendships, sense of ownership of his/her environment



For children who are 3 years old by September 1

 (If your child is 2yrs9months by September 1 you may apply for the 2 morning class. Preference is given to children who are already 3)

4 Mornings:  Monday , Wednesday 8:45-11:45 & Tuesday, Thursday 8:45-12:45

3 Mornings:  Monday 8:45-12:45 & Wednesday, Friday 8:45-11:45

2 Mornings:  Tuesday and Thursday 8:45-11:45

classroom reading.jpg

The curriculum for our 3-year-old program focuses on creating an environment that supports a child’s growth and development by providing “play” experiences which encourage exploration, discovery and learning. Providing a wide variety of materials and resources which support rich and involved play experiences promotes learning in many ways.

Through dramatic play a child learns to use props to move from one idea to another and to express feelings through words and actions. Block play encourages a child to judge distance, space and physical relationship while developing hand-eye coordination and small manipulative skills. In the Language Arts center, a child begins to recognize that written words on a page represent spoken words and ideas. Open-ended activities with art materials help a child appreciate differences in texture, shape and size and to enjoy art for art’s sake.


As the children enjoy their play, they are encouraged to problem solve, focus and work for extended periods while learning how to work cooperatively with others and resolve conflicts.


Extended Day

We are proud to offer 1 hour of STEM on Wednesday's 1:30-2:30

A Typical Day


  • Longer group/circle time

  • Daily Jobs/Responsibilities for each child

  • Outside play time

  • Teacher-initiated small group activities

  • Snack 

  • Large group activities
  • Lunch
  • Dismissal


  • Circle time

  • Group and story time

  • Play time with activities in literacy, math, science, art, puzzles and games

  • Outside play time

  • Dismissal

Hingham Nursery School values outside play time and children play outside for extended periods throughout the year.  In the winter, students wear full snow gear each day to ensure they are warm for outside play time.  

A Typical Day
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